update and info on Salmon Farm ...River Annan
Salmon Farm proposal on the River Annan – Autumn 2024
I am using this web page as a convenient page to tell people more about the Salmon farm proposal on the River Annan, and/or if any other farms should be proposed in rivers elsewhere, and to harness opinion about salmon farms coming “in-land” and to hopefully persuade/force them to become “closed contained” – ie no discharge to go untreated into a river.
If you have come here about the SalmonSchool (tuition of salmon fishing) please go to www.SalmonSchool.co.uk.
If you have come here to sign our petition please do so at:
Damn! People are having trouble with the link above.
Im told if you get an error message, you can right-click the link and select Open Link in New Tab or Open Link in New Window. Or you can copy and paste the link into an already open new tab or window.
Sorry, I am not a website genious. Alternatively:
I have now spoken to crowdfunder’s development team who have suggested we use the following link on this webpage and it should then work:
<a href=”https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/salmon-farms-close-up-not-down” target=”_blank”>www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/salmon-farms-close-up-not-down</a>
Can everyone tell me if this now works or more importantly if it doesnt work!
More news:
Immediately the threat has been lifted. Selcoth Fisheries have: “taken the decision to not proceed with the trial at this time.”
This may be partly the result of the publicity generated by the magazines Fly Fishing and Fly Tying (FFFT) and Trout and Salmon (T&S). THANK YOU. And there was also TV coverage:
But the threat has not gone, so please join in and let’s make sure that if salmon farms do move “in-land”, especially into salmon rivers, they are truly CLOSED CONTAINED, ie their discharge is treated before it goes (back) into the river.
Anthony Steel